Is Water Actually Wet?
On the surface, many of the articles cited on this website may seem comical, inviting a groan and a response along the lines of "in other news, water is wet" or "well, duh, glad we spent so much money to prove something we already know." But if you dig a little deeper, it’s often not as simple as that.
Research studies that appear to confirm obvious "common sense" often reveal complex nuances that we overlook in everyday life. What seems obvious to us, especially from a personal or anecdotal perspective, is rarely as straightforward when examined scientifically.
It’s easy to assume that the connections we observe in our daily lives are self-evident, but the real challenge in these studies lies in isolating variables, controlling for other factors, and ensuring that the results are statistically significant and replicable. Furthermore, you may be surprised to learn that many long-held beliefs considered "common knowledge" had been proven wrong.
The next time you see a publication that seems all too obvious, I implore you to look a little further than the headline.
I hope this website serves as a reminder of that.